Online Shopping/Shipped Items

Please inspect your order upon delivery and contact us immediately by replying to your order confirmation email (or any subsequent order status emails) if the item is defective or damaged, if you receive the wrong item, or if you have any other issues or feedback, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right.

Please note that online shop/shipped orders are managed separately from our physical coffee shop locations. Items purchased through the online shop and shipped to you cannot be accepted for returns/exchanges in-person at any of our stores unless previously coordinated with our online shop team.


In-Store/Takeout Orders

If you need to get in touch with us regarding items purchased, or a food or beverage order, from our Plainville, Farmington, or East Hartford locations, the best way to do this is by contacting the specific location you visited directly by phone:

  • Plainville: 860-793-8809
  • Farmington: 860-674-1810
  • East Hartford: 860-519-5621

If you placed an order through the Toast Takeout app or our Toast online ordering platform, or if you selected to receive an email or text receipt when ordering in store, you can also use the links in your digital receipt to provide feedback directly to that location's manager.

For general feedback, comments, suggestions, etc. please refer to our Get In Touch page.